Saturday, October 28, 2017

Ketchum Paper Peer Reviewed past times Academic Professor

The Melba Ketchum Paper is beingness reviewed, what practise other academics think?
"...if it was me who held company prove of a novel species together with a remarkable blueprint of origin, I would live breaking downwards the doors of whatever mainstream scientists I idea mightiness live able to verify my data.  I would desire that Nobel prize far to a greater extent than than some other appearance on Coast-to-Coast AM." -- Dr Tyler A. Kokjohn, Professor of Microbiology at Midwestern University

We've read the Melba Ketchum Sasquatch deoxyribonucleic acid Study together with found it was echoing many of the statements that had already been leaked. It wasn't actually novel news. To live honest though, how would we know? Fortunately nosotros know people who would know. So nosotros asked our friend Tyler A. Kokjohn, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology at Midwestern University what he thought. You may remember the doctor Kokjohn from the post, "First Bigfoot deoxyribonucleic acid "Peer Review" Results are In-- But, Not every bit Expected"

We pulled out some of doctor Kokjohn's questions, but likewise provided the electronic mail from doctor Kokjohn together with therefore you lot tin run into the questions inwards context.
  1. What happened to the master copy founder species?
  2. The Hybrids are abundant, yet the founder species is extinct?
  3. How could a hypothetical species together with therefore or together with therefore modern humans to interbreed together with create viable, fertile offspring non part homology to the same entities inwards their extended family?
  4. Where did the sequences non inwards GenBank originate?

doctor Kokjohn's Letter:

Guy –

Unfortunately, this pdf does non include supplementary data, together with therefore it is actually difficult to figure out how much of this I wishing to deem reliable.  The authors volition cause got to grant reviewers the powerfulness to sentiment the sequences together with operate their ain analyses at some point.  Under the circumstances, I can’t say whatever of it is convincing prove of a novel species.

The authors proposition quite an interesting story; a virile soul from an unknown species mates amongst a human woman soul to ultimately constitute a novel hybrid species.  But, based on the fact that they written report finding sixteen distinct human mitochondrial haplotypes inwards North America alone, such events must cause got occurred rather oft together with freely.  Then I cause got to ask, what happened to the master copy founder species?  NONE of them survive, but the hybrids are however extant?  You would however intend that out in that place somewhere would live some individuals harboring maternal mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid from the master copy species.  That every 1 of them had only pure human mtDNA suggests a quite unique segregation followed together with was maintained afterwards the founding events, a minimum of sixteen split upward times.   And all that human mtDNA remained unchanged no less.  It is likewise difficult to sympathise what they are asserting when telling the reader that sequences cause got no homology to extant apes, Neanderthal or other extinct species.  Human sequences are amazingly or together with therefore Neanderthals, together with therefore most identical it was a challenge to tease them apart.  How tin in that place live no sequence similarity amongst the putative Sasquatch samples and/or what practise they hateful past times that?  How could a hypothetical species together with therefore or together with therefore modern humans to interbreed together with create viable, fertile offspring non part homology to the same entities inwards their extended family?  Where did the sequences non inwards GenBank  originate?  None of this makes much feel to me together with possibly they volition run into gibe to explicate it all carefully some day.

I merely practise non know, Guy.  It is possible my colleague was able to conk the ancillary data, together with therefore possibly she volition cause got to a greater extent than to add.

So, the skillful tidings seems to live that samples are remarkably abundant, suggesting that independent corroboration should live possible soon.  All I tin add together is that if it was me who held company prove of a novel species together with a remarkable blueprint of origin, I would live breaking downwards the doors of whatever mainstream scientists I idea mightiness live able to verify my data.  I would desire that Nobel prize far to a greater extent than than some other appearance on Coast-to-Coast AM.  So verification should live coming soon, right?

Best wishes.

doctor Kokjohn added, "I am non impressed amongst the information I cause got seen, but from that I draw no conclusions regarding the existence or non-existence of Bigfoot."

It should live noted nosotros reached out to doctor Melba Ketchum to run into if she had whatever insight to whatever of these questions; nosotros gave her ample fourth dimension to response together with she did non cause got a comment at the fourth dimension of this post. 



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