Saturday, October 28, 2017

Loren Coleman Clarifies His Remarks inwards New Haven Article

Loren Coleman, left, speaks amongst host Joshua Foer at the Institute Library inward New Haven.
In our previous post, "Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman Speaks close Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot deoxyribonucleic acid Study" nosotros quoted the New Haven Register article interviewing Loren Coleman. Since our post service we received comments regarding a few of Mr. Coleman's statements, inward item his "No data, no discovery" as well as "Angel DNA" comments. 

Yesterday (January 20th, 2013) Loren Coleman posted an article on Cryptomundo to clarify his remarks to the New Haven Register. Full disclosure: I am a regular contributor to Cryptomundo as well as a large fan of Loren Coleman's contributions to the Bigfoot community. Read an excerpt from his clarifications below:
In discussing the recent deoxyribonucleic acid news, I quoted John Hawks, the Wisconsin anthropologist, inward my agreeing amongst his notion that “no data, no discovery” is the opinion to take. My attribution to Hawks was absence from the article.

I said that quotes supposedly from the researcher inward Texas, maxim ridiculous things similar “These are angels from heaven,” were released on Facebook, as well as that does non aid the crusade of serious query on Bigfoot. Those remarks were denied after every bit having been said past times the Texas individual. The article does non larn far clear I was talking close the leakage as well as non the exacting quotations.

In the solving of the root of the “Montauk Monster,” at my New Haven talk, I was clear to credit myself as well as others for pointing to a “raccoon inward second-stage decomposition,” every bit what the affair on the beach was. Besides myself as well as a New York game official, Darren Naish was behind the solution too.
We wanted to embrace the 2 top dog topics that were discussed inward our comments area, precisely Loren Coleman also touches upon other aspects of his New Haven interview, as well as your welcome to read them here



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