Saturday, October 28, 2017

Today inwards Bigfoot History | APR 07, 2006 | Yakama Nation: Searching for Bigfoot is Bad Medicine

Mel Skahan is a Native American of the Yakama Nation
"I receive got talked to a few Elders as well as about of them believe that [Bigfoot Research] is bad medicine" --Mel Skahan; Forester; Yakama Nation

What is bad medicine? If you lot are similar us, it is anything cherry-flavored, or the alone purpose you lot sing inwards a Bon Jovi song.  There is about other definition, every bit most of you lot know Native American medicine is non necessarily something you lot ingest to heal you, it is to a greater extent than similar a synonym for power. In other words, Native American medicine is to a greater extent than similar the Force inwards Star Wars as well as bad medicine is to a greater extent than similar pursuing the nighttime side of the force.

Another indicate of involvement to us is this: fifty-fifty though Yakama Nation history predates the white man, it was non until the white man's arrival that the Sasquatch stopped hanging out amongst humans. As the even out goes, they did non similar the technology nosotros brought.

Read an article that was published seven years agone today.

Fri seven Apr 2006 -- Hello! We would similar to give thank you lot all the people from Canada as well as U.S. of A. who receive got emailed us as well as shared amongst us about of their non bad stories.

One of our readers is also a Sasquatch researcher as well as his cite is Mel Skahan, who belongs to the Yakama Nation (located in) Washington State, as well as nosotros shall live sharing about of his stories as well as experiences inwards our column.

Mel how long receive got you lot been a Sasquatch researcher as well as what start sparked your involvement inwards Sasquatches?

I run for the Forestry inwards the Yakama Nation as well as this expanse covers 1.(2) 1000000 acres as well as three-fourths of this is timbered. It was 1995 inwards the wintertime as well as about other worker as well as I were out timber cruising as well as nosotros had separated to depository fiscal establishment stand upwards for on dissimilar areas when I came across this gear upwards of footprints. They were twentytwo inches inwards length as well as the when I measured the pace they were at to the lowest degree 5 as well as a one-half to half-dozen feet inwards length. I followed the footprints for close a mile as well as a one-half at the same fourth dimension I followed these tracks to larn about sort of conduct of the Sasquatch as well as it would become from tree to tree as well as it would halt its feet ever pointing inwards the direction that it was going, but it seemed to live checking to brand sure as shooting that the expanse was rubber to comport on. I snow-shoed to where the other worker was as well as shared amongst him my story. Together nosotros went dorsum upwards to where I constitute the prints as well as his rima oris simply dropped opened upwards because the toes inwards the tracks could live seen perfectly. These footprints eventually led us to about other gear upwards which measured close 18 inches inwards length as well as a tertiary gear upwards was also constitute which measured 8 to nine inches long. They all came together close a mile as well as a one-half as well as and then they walked inwards i line. We followed the tracks which were pretty fresh for a piece but nosotros got this creepy feeling of beingness watched it made the pilus on the dorsum of my caput stand upwards up.

What create the Elders of the Yakama Nation mean value close your researching Sasquatches?

I receive got talked to a few Elders as well as about of them believe that it is bad medicine (to maintain amongst my investigations as well as research, as well as i elderberry said that “I know that you lot are listening to me when I utter to you, but I run into that you lot volition yet endeavour to notice them, but you lot require to pursue this inwards a healthier manner, receive got aid of yourself, believe inwards your medicine, protect your family, elbow grease as well as prayer volition assist you”), (a couple) of them refused to milkshake my manus (and I believe that me researching this discipline may receive got something to create amongst it, it’s similar they knew something was dissimilar amongst me… I endeavour to honour what they tell me, but this is something that I never went looking for, I came across them as well as wanted to maintain to notice the answers that I yet have), yet others believed that you lot should become to sweats as well as to live careful as well as to process it amongst lots of respect.

What is the Yakama’s Nation cite for Sasquatch?

The cite that I receive got heard is Qah-limah.

What create you lot mean value a Sasquatch is?

There is a legend that says that in that place were 3 groups of people living on the public as well as they were the large people, the petty people, as well as the Yakama. They all alive together off the province as well as followed the traditional ways.

Along came the (early settlers) as well as they started to demo the Yakama their tools as well as the Yakama started to follow them. The large people as well as the petty people saw what was happening as well as they went upwards into the mountains they wanted goose egg to create amongst the novel ways. The Yakama weren’t allowed to become amongst them because they were next the white men as well as using their tools.

How receive got these experiences changed you?

Each novel even out as well as experience brings me greater as well as greater honour for the Sasquatch! I had at i fourth dimension idea close about type of capture, but since knowing to a greater extent than close them or this discipline has since changed my belief as well as desire them non to live harmed.

What other kinds of experiences receive got you lot had?

I receive got experienced many things: Having items thrown towards me. Having them growl or howling my direction or letting me or the folks that I receive got been inwards the woods with, know they are there. Have heard them brand dissimilar noises, as well as the i that I never forget was the i that whistled. I receive got seen many tracks I did run into i briefly runaway Just lastly year, finally was able to receive got i come upwards closed plenty for me to olfactory holding the tremendous stench that I receive got heard described inwards my investigations).

I don’t know how your people believe close cast shifting or the UFO ‘unidentified flight objects’ but lately receive got been reading as well as hearing close how Sasquatches tin move teleport or cast shift into other animals.

But in that place is something out in that place that from sure as shooting investigations is able to trace a few folks away from a group, how it’s done is unknown, but I maintain an opened upwards heed close this subject. I don’t necessarily categorize it every bit something paranormal or relate it to UFO’s but something has happened to a sure as shooting folks, but until I prepare myself close the discipline rather then, country it is a sure as shooting thing, as well as then volition non label it. I receive got seen this lately, where folks receive got labeled it something correct away without farther studying or collecting to a greater extent than testify to narrow downward the error... per se. This has been upsetting me every bit of late.

Another matter is the agency this discipline is perceived. I know that every bit a witness every bit I started, I was laughed at. But every bit I changed from beingness a witness to a investigator/researcher I run into that laughing rapidly disappearing, because I acquaint to a greater extent than testify to those that start laughed as well as you lot know what—they were ordinarily hiding something, an experience of about sort that they were afraid to pick out forward. But I took it to the side past times side marking as well as receive got ‘faced the fear’ that was in i trial instilled inwards me past times my start couplet of experiences as well as those folks that laughed at me, they inquire me where I was over the weekend.

Whether you lot believe it is myth, spirit, supernatural, or physical, your responses are welcome here. Please email:

Meegwetch! Ekosi!

© "the DRUM"

The Source for Aboriginal News inwards Manitoba & Northwest Ontario, Canada 



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