Saturday, October 28, 2017

Today inwards Bigfoot History | JAN xx | Mike Rugg Exposes Pogonip Hoax

The Pogonip Bigfoot side-by-side alongside the Bigfoot Discovery Day streaker, composited inwards Photoshop. Photoshop composite yesteryear Mike Rugg
Today, Jan 20, 2008, Mike Rugg posted inwards his newsletter Bigfoot Discovery Project (Vol. 3 No. 9) a serial of events that Pb him to believe he was dealing alongside a hoaxer.

Initially he was sent an electronic mail from a gentleman named John Henry Camper claiming he had taken photos of a Sasquatch running away from him. Mike Rugg expressed involvement as well as Mr. Camper sent 3 digital photos. 

Three Images sent to Mike Rugg
Although it was Jan when Mike Rugg became for sure the photos were a hoax, he had initially published the photos several months ealier inwards the August 2007 issue. Rugg describes his correspondence since the initial publication of the photos.
For a calendar week or 2 afterwards I wrote that article I had dorsum as well as forth emails alongside “Jack.” He promised to come upward into the museum every bit shortly every bit possible to hash out the affair inwards individual every bit he was interested inwards getting advice on what to create next, claiming a friend to whom he showed the photos told him they “looked phony.” He assured me he had non doctored the photos inwards whatever agency as well as that they represented the “creature” he observed on the outskirts of the City of Santa Cruz, only 5 miles southward of our museum on Highway 9.
Because he seemed to hold upward stalling as well as no coming together took house afterwards several weeks I was moving e'er to a greater extent than towards my initial impression that this was a hoax. I showed the photos to visitors to the museum, including a number of our members, as well as the concensus was to allow it go, as well as then I stopped emailing Jack as well as gave it upward every bit bogus. Then, only earlier Thanksgiving I heard from him again: Date: Nov 21, 2007 2:32:21 PM PST Hi Mike I was hoping to hold upward able to halt yesteryear the museum this weekend since I receive got to a greater extent than or less fourth dimension off of work. What are your vacation hours? I await frontward to coming together alongside you. Thanks Jack
The human never did demo upward as well as Mike Rugg remembered to a greater extent than or less other "Bigfoot" that was seen inwards the expanse at the same time. He referred to it every bit The Bigfoot Discovery Day Streaker. You tin laissez passer on the axe reckon streaker below inwards a photograph taken yesteryear Tom Yamerone.

Bigfoot Discovery Day Streker (Photo yesteryear Tome Yamerone)
Mike went to Photoshop to create a composition of the streaker as well as the "Bigfoot" sent yesteryear Mr. Camper as well as the similarity betwixt the 2 Bigfoot was uncanny. See for your self inwards the composite Mike Rugg Made below.

Click on the next PDF links for to a greater extent than details:
The number publishing the source 3 photos (Volume 3, Number 4)
The number alongside Mike Rugg's breakdown of events as well as his composite (Volume 3, Number 9)



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