Saturday, October 28, 2017

Today inwards Bigfoot History | MAR 14, 2004 | John Green Publishes Thoughts on P/G Film

John Green with White Lady (photo: Steven Streufert of Bigfoot Books)
"The reply has been inward champaign persuasion all along, the creature on the cinema asset it, quite literally, inward its arms." --John Green

What yous read below is a newspaper written yesteryear John Green that was published on the website of Roger Thomas. The website is similar a shot defunct together with nosotros were solely able to access this page through the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

John Green, of course, is i of the four horsemen of sasquatchery. Born Feb 12, 1927, Mr. Green is a retired Canadian journalist together with continues to hold upwards a leading researcher into the Bigfoot phenomenon. In 2004 he published the newspaper below, inward the newspaper he advocates for the authenticity of the Patterson/Gimlin cinema together with adds a comment from Dr. Jeff Meldrum using the concept of intermembral index, a touchstone used to decide limb proportion.

Thoughts on the Patterson-Gimlin Footage

By John Green, xiv March 2004Almost thirty-seven years agone ii immature men from Yakima, Washington, Roger Patterson together with Bob Gimlin, emerged from a remote woods inward the northwest corner of California with a brief 16-millimeter filmshowing a hairy creature walking along a sand bar on its hind legs, together with the fence on whether their cinema shows an unknown brute or a human being wearing a fur suit has gone on e'er since.

Now, thank yous to a novel mass on the subject, that fence should hold upwards at an end. The reply has been inward champaign persuasion all along, the creature on the cinema asset it, quite literally, inward its arms. And that answer, ironically, is the contrary of the i inward the book.

The creature cannot hold upwards a human being inward a suit.

The author of the book, of which solely review copies are so far available, claims to get got cracked the instance yesteryear finding ii key witnesses, the human being who wore the suit, a Yakima acquaintance of Patterson together with Gimlin named Bob Heironimus, together with the human being who sold a gorilla suit to Patterson together with told him how to modify it, Philip Morris, a costume maker from Charlotte, North Carolina.

The creature inward the film has normal-looking arms. It cannot hold upwards a human being inward a suit.

The Heironimus even out is non new. It surfaced several years agone i of the many unsubstantiated claims to get got been "the human being inward the suit" that crop upwards from fourth dimension to time. Phillip Morris appears to hold upwards a existent find, a human being who genuinely was making gorilla costumes inward 1967 together with who says he remembers selling i to Roger Patterson.

One of the things that Morris is quoted every bit maxim is that the means to brand the arms inward the suit hold off longer than human arms is to extend the gloves of the suit on sticks. Many people get got noted that the arms of the creature inward the cinema hold off unusually long, almost every bit long every bit its legs. Some, including myself inward 1968, get got published estimates of their length. No i went on to bargain with the inquiry of how human arms could hold upwards extended to gibe the extra length together with what such an extension would hold off like.
There is no means to found for for certain if whatever of the dimensions estimated for the creature inward the cinema are accurate, but what tin hold upwards established with reasonably accuracy is the length of the creature's legs together with arms inward relation to i another. From that ratio, which anatomists telephone telephone the "intermembral index," it is elementary to calculate how many inches must hold upwards added to the arms of a human being of known size inward monastic tell to brand his arms long plenty to fit the supposed suit. In my ain instance the reply turns out to hold upwards almost 10 inches.

But inward monastic tell for the arms to curvature at the elbow, which they apparently exercise inward the movie, all of that extra length has to hold upwards added to the lower arm. The result, inward my case, is almost 12 inches of arm to a higher identify the elbow together with 29 inches below it — almost every bit much of a monstrosity every bit Edward Scissorhands. The creature inward the film has normal-looking arms. It cannot hold upwards a human being inward a suit.

Many issues inward the long fence almost the film stay unresolved — what the cinema speed was, whether a human being could duplicate the creature's odd bent-kneed walk, whether its deportment was normal for an animal, whether the tracks left on the sandbar could get got been faked, together with so on — but all of them plough out to get got been irrelevant to the primary issue.

My measurements of the film, made 36 years ago, gave the creature arms that were 30 inches from the shoulder to the wrist together with legs that were 35 inches from the hip to the ground. My ain measurements are almost 24 inches from shoulder to wrist together with xl inches from hip to ground. Only the ratios of the measurements matter, the actual size of either the human or the creature makes no difference, together with the ratios for creature together with human are so much dissimilar that precise accuracy of the measurements is non pregnant either. The much ridiculed Patterson-Gimlin cinema does non demo a human being inward a suit.

What almost Roger Patterson buying a gorilla suit? Philip Morris does non claim to get got records, solely a memory, together with neither Mrs. Patterson nor Bob Gimlin retrieve Roger having whatever such suit. But Roger was trying to brand a Bigfoot documentary at that fourth dimension together with most such documentaries incorporate re-enactments yesteryear individual wearing a fur suit. If he did purchase i it has picayune to a greater extent than significance than an apprentice carpenter buying a hammer.

And the descriptions of the suit yesteryear the ii key witnesses are totally contradictory. Morris is quoted every bit having described his suit inward precise detail, together with how he made it. The suit had 6 dissever pieces: a caput a body (arms, trunk together with legs), ii hands together with ii feet. H5N1 knitted stuff materials served every bit a backing to thousands of synthetic nylon strands called dynel, which were driven yesteryear a powerful knitting machine with needles through the knitted stuff materials together with so pulled dorsum through to the other side. It had a 36-inch zipper upwards the back.

Bob Heironimus is besides quoted, maxim that Patterson made the suit himself yesteryear skinning a dead Equus caballus together with gluing fur from an quondam fur coat on the horsehide. It was inward 3 parts, head, trunk together with legs that felt similar bigger safe boots together with that went to his waist. He idea the feet were made of quondam identify slippers. The suit weighted xx or 25 pounds together with he needed assistance to larn far together with out of it. It besides smelled bad. "It stunk. Roger skinned out a dead, ruby-red horse."

H5N1 Comment yesteryear Jeff Meldrum

It has been obvious to fifty-fifty the casual viewer that the cinema acre of written report possesses arms that are disproportionately long for its stature. John Green is a veteran researcher into the inquiry of Sasquatch or Bigfoot. He was alongside the commencement to persuasion the cinema captured yesteryear Patterson together with Gimlin together with has studied it intensely inward the intervening years. His recognition of the significance of the unhumanly long arms of the cinema acre of written report is dot that has non previously been articulated inward such a straightforward manner. It is such a telephone commutation observation that it is considered a breakthrough inward assessing the validity of this extraordinary film. Anthropologists typically limited limb proportions every bit an intermembral index (IM), which is the ratio of combined arm together with forearm skeletal length (humerus + radius) to combined thigh together with leg skeletal length (femur + tibia) x 100. The human IM averages 72. The intermembral index is a pregnant mensurate of a primate's locomotor adaptation  The forelimb-dominated movements of the chimp together with gorilla are reflected inward their high IM indices of 106 together with 117 respectively. Identifying the positions of the joints on the cinema acre of written report tin solely hold upwards approximate together with the limbs are ofttimes oriented obliquely to the plane of the film, rendering them foreshortened to varying degrees. However, inward simply about frames the limbs are nearly vertical, thence parallel to the filmplane, together with call for an IM index somewhere betwixt fourscore together with 90, intermediate betwixt humans together with African apes. In spite of the imprecision of this preliminary estimate, it is good beyond the hateful for humans together with effectively rules out a man-in-a-suit explanation for the Patterson-Gimlin cinema without invoking an elaborate, if non inconceivable, prosthetic contrivance to trouble concern human relationship for the appropriate positions together with actions of wrist together with elbow together with finger flexion visible on the film. This dot deserves farther exam together with may good dominion out the probability of hoaxing.

Jeff Meldrum Ph.D. Associate professor of Anatomy & Anthropology
Idaho State University,
Idaho, 83209-8007.

Dr. Meldrum is an proficient inward primate anatomy together with locomotion. He latterly coedited, From Biped to Strider: The Emergence of Modern Human Walking, Running, together with Resource Transport. He became interested inward the Sasquatch inquiry 8 years agone afterward witnessing 15-inch tracks inward southeastern Washington state. He has examined numerous footprints, including those associated with the Patterson-Gimlin footage.



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